Today’s Movie Clip O’ the Day comes from Moonlight because it’s Valentine’s day and on Valentine’s day we’re supposed to share love, right? Well one of the things I love is this movie, so I’m sharing.
When I think of perfection, art, what I look for when I go to the movies Moonlight is always among the movies that flashes before my eyes. And then there’s the score, the soundtrack, ‘Little’s Theme.’ JFC, there’s just so much. I wonder what it’s like to be as talented as the people who worked on this movie. It must feel amazing.
Bonus Clip: Because it’s Valentine’s Day.
Bonus Featurette: Because I’m a giver. ❤️❤️
Moonlight (2016)
A young African-American man grapples with his identity and sexuality while experiencing the everyday struggles of childhood, adolescence, and burgeoning adulthood.